From my perspective, learning about the culture of addiction helps to understand many aspects of drugs. It is insightful for...
Food for Thought
A place to invoke and inculcate ideas and thoughts into you.
“All along you were living to bloom, but in the midst, you forgot about the sunlight” We are constantly moving...
Sometimes the problems which we face are very heavy. At times we lack the momentum to move forward. at that...
“Hold your head high, Feel the happiness within, Let your confidence reside in within. Remember, YOU ARE SPECIAL!” “A calm...
The society calls it industrialization, we call it pollution !! In the race to become the best, we are lagging...
Once in a while, we hear the phrase “believe in yourself”, but what is this belief? And why do people...
When you start your blog, there will be thoughts and opinions. There will be fear and nervousness. Nevertheless, you should...
Sometimes it is possible that the things which we think is worthless, may not be the waste at all. Let’s...
As a beginner, you will tempt to do everything- write on every idea, use every resource, and so. Understanding all...
If you want to unlock the lock, you must have the right key. But where to find it is the real...
Sustainable development has been the need of the hour. It is the development which takes into effect the needs of...
Looking at the cover picture, we can draw a very beautiful message. The child is playing the flute which shows...