Summer was the most awaited period for me as a child. It offered a bagful of joy and relaxation. I remember going to my favorite vacation spot during the summer break, my grandparent’s house.
One sunny day, I visited a beach with my grandparents and cousins for the first time. It was an early morning, and the sun shone gently on my skin as I began to walk through a path surrounded by beautiful palm trees. At first, I could not believe what I saw. It was the ocean, the deep blue water. The waves were slowly rolling and crashing. I felt calm and relaxed.
Although it was still early, people were jogging and exercising. My cousins were ready to move along with the slow music. Seeing us together made my grandparents happy. The sunshine made her eyes sparkle. After that, we filled our large buckets with sand to mold a sandcastle. My grandfather helped us with the carving while my grandmother searched for shells to decorate our little castle.
Suddenly, my sister was delighted by the aroma of fresh corn. She saw a vendor grilling corn. Her mouth watered, and so did ours. We could not wait to eat that juicy and cheesy corn. After that, we decided to pack our things and walk towards our home, which was nearby. On the way home, my grandmother told us stories about my dad. Additionally, she told us about things that share similarities between our father and us.
In conclusion, it is an important event filled with joy and unforgettable scenery. It is a beautiful memory still fresh in my mind. The time spent with my grandparents makes me feel blessed and humbled. Which childhood memory left an impact on you?