Understanding flashbulb memories gives an insight into one’s emotional involvement if laid down in a specific and consistent way as...
Sometimes the problems which we face are very heavy. At times we lack the momentum to move forward. at that...
Some people are completely under the burden of worries such that it is hard for them to come out. Few carry...
NEVER UNDERESTIMATE Often the people who are underestimated or undervalued turn out to be the dark horses. They not only win...
What if I say a small drop of ink can make a million think? What if I say that an...
Only Hard Work will not guarantee the professional growth. There are several other aspects of your overall personality which are accounted...
Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is a tale of maturation and self-discovery. It supports the notion of bildungsroman...
If you want to unlock the lock, you must have the right key. But where to find it is the real...
“REFLECTIONS”, Just one word sums it all, our CHARACTER is not perceived by what we are, but it is perceived by...
A view of the full moon is a beautiful and mesmerising sight. However a great lesson to be learned from...
We can become hawk-eyed when we know about our strength and weakness. We can be in the worst possible scenario...